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RnB Plugin Settings Overview

The RnB plugin offers two distinct types of settings for managing rental and booking products: Local Settings and Global Settings. Understanding the hierarchy and application of these settings is crucial for fine-tuning product behavior.

Understanding Local and Global Settings

Local Settings

Local Settings are specific to individual products and are accessed through the 'Settings' tab in the product edit page. They override Global Settings when configured, allowing for granular control over each product.

Global Settings

Global Settings serve as the default configuration for all products. These settings are applied unless overridden by Local Settings on a product-by-product basis.


Local Settings take precedence over Global Settings. For instance, if the date format is set to 24-hour in Local Settings and 12-hour in Global Settings, the 24-hour format will be applied to the product if Local Settings are selected.

Settings Tabs

Both Local and Global Settings contain four tabs, each with specific purposes:

Display Tab

  • Purpose: Manages the visibility of various booking attributes.
  • Usage: Toggle show/hide options to customize the booking interface.

Label Tab

  • Purpose: Customizes titles and placeholders for booking fields.
  • Usage: Define custom labels to improve user understanding and interaction.

Conditions Tab

  • Purpose: Sets logical conditions for booking and rental products.
  • Usage: Configure product availability, conditional pricing, and other logic-based settings.

Validations Tab

  • Purpose: Establishes validation rules for product fields.
  • Usage: Implement restrictions and checks to ensure data integrity and user compliance.

By utilizing Local and Global Settings effectively, administrators can tailor the booking experience to match the unique needs of each product while maintaining a standard baseline configuration.